Tuesday 17 May 2011

Great Ways To Ensure That Your House Is More Friendly To The Environment

Global warming is having a big impact on our ecosystem and we need to make an effort to be able to help where we can. Many people do not know where to get started but the good part about it is that it can be done right now in your own home with minimal effort. Being more friendly to the environment will be able to help you save your hard earned money while you do your bit for our world's ecosystem. You want to use the bare minimum of resources needed so that the environment doesnt suffer, and this means lower usage which of course means lower bills.

There are lots of paths to go down when making your property eco-friendly, below are a few suggestions for you to consider.

Think about the quantity of water you use in your home daily. Quite a substantial amount of this water is used for personal hygiene such as showering and bathing but bear in mind that simply washing dishes and flushing the toilet also can add to that amount. I am not suggesting that you don't do these things but they can certainly be done as efficiently as possible to minimize your impact on the environment. For example, your loo could easily be substituted for a dual flush model. After the toilet has been used, this delivers two flushes, the first one being strong and using an initial burst of water and the second one will give a soft flush that delivers a small amount of water. This can help to save plenty of water throughout the course of a year!

The floor in your home is an additional place where you can be more environmentally friendly. Your floor can be made up of several materials, some being more eco-friendly than others. Research demonstrates that cork is very environmentally friendly. Cork is a good case in point of a material that is long lasting and mostly free of chemicals that can harm the environment. When you think of cork you may think about the cork in a wine bottle, well nowadays cork flooring is available in all sorts of colors and designs.

If you really want to save money and the environment, why not get your energy from the sun? Even though it is a bit of a financial investment, solar panels can be an excellent energy source This form of free energy can save you huge amounts of money in the long term when the solar panels have been paid off. Your geyser generally uses a large amount of electricity but the good news is that you can also get a solar powered one at a sensible price which will also be a great saving on a monthly basis.

Here are a few small techniques that can conserve electricity. Always remember to turn off lights whenever you are not using them, especially when you leave the house. Bear in mind the small amount of electricity that you will save in this way will add up over the months and years. Along with this negatively affecting our environment but its also wasting your money. Updating light bulbs with energy saving ones can help you to save a lot more electricity. Learn to make a habit of turning off things that use electricity when they are not in use. Things like your router and television can be switched off when you are not using them. Energy is consumed in large amounts when there are moving parts and even small lights which all adds up in the long term.

The most beneficial words of advice to remember is that every one of the minor things add up and will make a big difference. Its more vital at this moment than it has ever been to carry out your bit for the environment.

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