Individuals have numerous reasons for taking up green living, but saving money is somewhere on the list. The furnace in all probability utilizes the most energy in your home so you make make sure it's in proper working condition. Simply heating the household up accounts for approximately 60% of the energy costs. The filter in the furnace must be replaced every couple of months in order for it to be work properly. One option is to buy a reusable filter and clean it on a regular basis. Reusable filters might be expensive, but in the long run they will pay for themselves, costing much less than the number of disposable filters you would otherwise have to purchase. Merely by performing some basic maintenance, you can up the efficiency of your furnace by up to 50%.
As energy is wasted every night, it is best to get a programmable thermostat. Keeping the temperature a few degrees cooler when no one is around will save money as well. If you get an insulation blanket for your hot water heater, you can save quite a bit also. Insulation blankets can be installed easily, and they are available at any hardware store. The fiberglass blanket keeps heat in saving the tank from consuming more energy to heat water.
One other option is to use a tankless hot water system. It's something worth looking into if you are planning on replacing your old hot water tank. Instead of heating the whole tank of water, and keep it heated, you can get the water heated as it is needed. Tankless systems will consume considerably less energy, saving you as much as 50% on what you are spending hot water. You can save a consuderable amount of money and energy by keeping your house cool naturally. You can save quite a bit during the sumemr months if you use a ceiling fan and keep the sunlight out of your home. If you have an AC leave it at 75 degrees and just use it on really hot days.
One other thing that you can do that costs a little in the beginning but will save in the long haul is replacing your incandescent light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs are very efficient, using 75% less electricity and lasting ten times longer than typical lightbulbs. This will not only save you money, but put less light bulbs into the landfills. If you just changed five light bulbs, you can save up to $30 every year. The most effective thing that you can do is to just flip the lights off when you leave a room. We are all guilty of this, so if we make the effort, we will save lots of electrical energy.
If people make it a habit to turn the lights off whenever they go out of a room, then they can do it for all electronic gadgets.
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